Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 25, 2023

June 30 is the end of the fiscal year at Saint John’s. We don’t yet have our final report. I think that we will end the year slightly in the black, but it will be close. There are a lot of end of the year expenses, particularly insurance payments. The current fiscal year has been difficult due to a number of unanticipated repairs.

If you are able, please make a special and generous “end of the fiscal year” or “beginning of the new fiscal year” donation.

Within the next few months I need to talk to you about some major repairs that must happen. Our air conditioning and electrical systems are way past their anticipated useful life. Moreover, the patio that is behind the friary and church is deteriorated and crumbling. The patio is above the space where our major mechanical systems are housed. It is in dreadful shape.

So we will have to talk soon about major capital needs. But for now, if you can, make a generous donation to help us being our new fiscal year.

Summer picnic
All Saint John’s parishioners and friends are invited to a summer picnic on Sunday, July 9 from 11 AM to 3 PM in the patio behind the friary and the parish center. The theme of the gathering is Texas! We’d love to find a western music fan to provide sing along (and maybe even dance!) music for the Texas BBQ picnic! If you’d like to help, contact Father Tom.

Mission Appeal Collection
Bishop Rayarala Vijayakumar, PIME of the Sri Kakulam Diocese in Southern India will visit our parish on June 24-25 to ask for help for his poor diocese in the State of Andhra Pradesh. His diocese is the second largest in the state and has the highest number of indigenous “tribals” in all of South India. Not only is the Bishop committed and caring for his tribal community but he is also shepherding the wellbeing and education of 75 priests and their parishes. This is the annual mission appeal collection. Please be generous.

Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


Father Tom

Details of today article is available here on our bulletin.