Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 18, 2023

Last week Archbishop Perez issued a pastoral letter on racial healing entitled, “We are one Body”. I recommend reading it at here. You can access it by going to the Archdiocese website archphila.org

In his letter the Archbishop states that racism is a sin and that we Catholics should be committed to confronting and eradicating racism. He urges us as individuals and as a Catholic community to study and reflect on racism and to take actions against racism.

It is striking that Archbishop Perez does not merely condemn racism “out there”, in society and in secular institutions. He admits that people have suffered from racism within the Church. Archbishop Perez says:

I echo the sentiments of many Church leaders over the years by extending a deep apology to all who have been wounded by racist words or deeds— subtle or overt, intentional or unintentional, sins of commission and omission—particularly those committed by members of our faith community. Like the Prodigal Son, we have sinned against heaven and against you, and we ask your pardon and God’s. With God’s help, we resolve to do better. To combat racism, we must embark on a journey of conversion that will require prayerful reflection, unflinching examination of conscience, and a commitment to unlearning conscious and unconscious biases that may have taken root in each of us. Accomplishing this goal will take hard spiritual work, by each of us and by all of us. It’s important to recognize that change will take time, but that should not hinder us because we know that “nothing is impossible for God.” Our faith is based on hope, and hope does not disappoint. Let us begin now. During these years of the global Synod, Pope Francis has called us to listening, dialogue, prayer, and discernment as we walk together to build the Church of tomorrow. Let us direct these same actions toward eradicating racism.

What is our response to racism in the Church? Surely we have people who worship with us at Saint John’s who have been wounded. Moreover, some of us have done the wounding. And there are others who have been wounded and who no longer gather with us. What is our response to them?

I am not sure what we as Saint John the Evangelist Parish ought to do in response to the Archbishop’s letter. I am willing, even eager, to hear from anyone who has advice

Peter’s Pence Collection
On The weekend of June 17- 18, there will be the annual Peter’s Pence Collection. It is the annual collection to support the work of Pope Francis and it is a sign of our esteem for the Holy Father. Please be generous.

Summer picnic
All Saint John’s parishioners and friends are invited to a summer picnic on Sunday, July 9 from 12 noon to 3 PM in the patio behind the friary and the parish center. Volunteers are needed to prepare food and organize activities. If you’d like to help, contact Father Tom.

Land of Peace 
On the weekend of June 17-18, the Land of Peace mission- a nonprofit organization-- will visit our Parish to speak about the plight of Christians in the Holy Land. They will offer for sale crucifixes, religious art work, and rosaries- all made of olive wood which is native to Israel and Bethlehem, to raise funds to help the poor and needy families in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. For more information, see landofpeace.org.

Mission Appeal Collection
Bishop Rayarala Vijayakumar, PIME of the Sri Kakulam Diocese in Southern India will visit our parish on June 24-25 to ask for help for his poor diocese Andhara Pradesh. His diocese is the second largest in the state and has the highest number of indigenous “tribals” in all of South India. Not only is the Bishop committed and caring for his tribal community but he is also shepherding the wellbeing and education of 75 priests and their parishes. This is the annual mission appeal collection. Your donation to this Mission Appeal is deeply appreciated. Please be generous.

Philadelphia March for Life
On Saturday, June 24, the Philadelphia Pro Life Union will sponsor a March for Life. It begins at the Cathedral with 9 AM Mass. After Mass there is a March to Independence Hall. The event ends at about noon. For more information, go to prolifeunion.org

Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


Father Tom

Details of today article is available here on our bulletin.