Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 2, 2023

We celebrate Independence Day this week. On July 4, 1776, 56 Americans risked their lives and signed the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia. Not only were these patriots declaring their independence from a colonial power in Europe, they were making important declarations about human rights. “All men are created equal”. People have “inalienable rights” of self-determination. Bold words that changed our nation and changed the world! A decade and a half later, protagonists of the French Revolution cited the American Revolution as precedent for their overthrow of the oppressive French aristocracy.

Yet we celebrate Independence Day with humility. Many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence spoke of human rights and equality while enslaving Africans who had been brought to our shores against their wills. And our nation was forged from land and riches that had previously belonged to indigenous people who were displaced. Women did not share in the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and would have to fight for nearly a century and a half for the right to vote.

The failure of America then and now to live up fully to its lofty founding principles is a source of shame. But it does not negate that our founders were striving for something new and wonderful. Since 1776, we have made progress, but we still have work to do to achieve a truly just society. Each of us should be inspired to work for freedom, equality and opportunity for all.

Summer picnic
All Saint John’s parishioners and friends are invited to a summer picnic next Sunday, July 9 from 11 AM to 3 PM in the patio behind the friary and the parish center. The theme of the gathering is Texas! Join us for music, food and maybe even dancing! Please come!

Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection
The Second Collection today is for the Campaign for Human Development. This collection funds project in the United States that enable people to escape poverty.


Father John Baptist

Father John has moved into our friary. He is from the capital of India, Delhi. He was ordained to the priesthood in July 3, 2007. He received a master’s degree in pastoral counseling from Neumann University. He hopes to pursue doctoral studies in counseling psychology, but will be here for one year.




Father Aby Sebastian

Father Aby has received his master’s degree in theology from Villanova University and will return on July 13 to his Capuchin Province in Kerala, India to join the faculty of the seminary school of theology. Father Aby has served us with youthful enthusiasm and deep faith. We will miss him but we wish him success as he serves the Church and the Capuchin Order in India.



Christ in the City

Christ in the City is looking for people to join their team in Philadelphia. These positions are for vital roles to support the mission in Philadelphia. For more information go to Christ in the City is an exciting Catholic outreach to the homeless community in Center City.




2024 Mass Book
The book for scheduling Masses for your intentions in 2024 is open and Masses can be reserved at the parish office.

Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


Father Tom

Details of today article is available here on our bulletin.