The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, June 2, 2024

Recently I spoke to a mother who was asking to baptize her baby. Of course, I scheduled the baptism, but I also encouraged the young mother to attend Mass with her husband. Though I have not been a parent, I do understand that it is not easy to bring young children to church. But it can be done; I see people do it, but I agree that it is sometimes hard.

The young mother proudly told me that she and her husband often watch Mass online. She seemed to expect me to satisfied with online Catholicism. I commended her for tuning into the Mass, but I asked her if she misses the Holy Eucharist, receiving Jesus in the sacrament of Holy Communion.

When our churches were shut down because of Covid fears, I was encouraged that many people watched the Mass online. It seemed that people still valued their faith because they still tried to have some connection, even though physical participation was not allowed.

However, some people preferred online Mass over the inconvenience of going to church. Of course, online Mass viewing has declined and now many people are not going to Mass or watching it online.

Do Catholics really believe that they receive Jesus when they receive Holy Communion? I admit that sometimes Holy Communion becomes routine and that I don’t always take time to reflect on the majesty of the encounter with Jesus that is possible only in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. But I believe that I meet Jesus when I receive Holy Communion.

Even those of us who go to Mass in church need to revive our faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.

The weekend we celebrate Corpus Christ, the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Jesus comes to us in such a humble form that it is easy to overlook what is happening. Jesus tells us in John Chapter 6 that those who eat His flesh and drink His blood will live forever. Today’s feast is an invitation from God for a Eucharistic revival, not just in the whole Church, but in the heart and mind of each of us.

Land of Peace

On the weekend of June 15-16, representatives from the Land of Peace mission will visit Saint John’s to offer for sale olive wood religious items made by Christian families in the Holy Land. Many Palestinians are Christians, though the dreadful situation in the Holy Land is causing many to leave. Because of the war in Israel and Palestine, there are almost no pilgrims or tourists and the people are desperate for income. Purchasing olive wood hand crafted items from the Holy Land is a way of supporting our suffering brothers and sisters.

Check out all the images from last year (2023) visit.

Jack’s Yacs Service Project

On June 13, our young adults are invited to prepare and serve a meal for the people of Frankford, mostly single mothers with children, at the Capuchin Padre Pio Prayer Center. We need volunteers to prepare food and to spend time with the people coming for food. We will leave Saint John’s at 4:30 PM. Or participants can meet in Frankford at 5:15 PM. Contact Father Tom for information.

Email Fr. Tom

    Saint John’s Summer Picnic

    Please mark your calendars. Our annual summer picnic will be on Sunday, July 7 from 11 AM to 2:30 PM. The theme will be “the 1950s: Happy Days”. It will be in the parish center.

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    From the Pastor' Desk

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