Third Sunday of Easter, April 14, 2024

When I moved to Saint John’s Church in 1991 from Cleveland, I was astonished to see that Center City was a vibrant downtown--attractive to businesses, residents, students, shoppers and tourists. I was familiar with downtown Pittsburgh and Cleveland; but I found Center City Philadelphia much more dynamic. The other downtowns were only business districts. Center City Philadelphia has many residents whose presence keeps things active around the clock.

Saint John Church serves Center City, all of the constituencies that make up our exciting neighborhood.

However, Center City Philadelphia is also a hub for poor and homeless persons who need services and help, including people broken by addictions and mental illness. These brothers and sisters are also part of our neighborhood and our community.

In 1963, Monsignor Anthony O’Neill, pastor of Saint John the Evangelist Church, established Saint John’s Hospice as an outreach ministry of the parish to the homeless and poor members of our community. 2023 is the 60th anniversary of the founding of Saint John’s Hospice. Although Saint John’s Hospice is no longer managed by Saint John Church, it is still the major Catholic agency for service to the poor and homeless in Center City.

In 2023, Saint John’s Hospice provides:

  • A residence for 150 men each year
  • 3000 meals each week
  • 160 weekly showers with clean clothes
  • A mailing address and mailing services for 1700 men
  • Case management for 375 men each day
  • Emergency shelter for 30 individuals, including hot meals and a safe and clean place to sleep
  • 12 beds for medically fragile homeless men who have HIV/AIDS

Saint John’s Hospice will celebrate its 60th anniversary on Thursday, April 18. I plan to be at the celebration. As pastor of Saint John Church, I want to celebrate the success and good work of this institution spawned by our parish.

Please consider making a 60th anniversary donation to Saint John’s Hospice. You can send a donation directly to Saint John’s Hospice or you can donate through Saint John Church Poor Fund.

Jack’s Yacs Holy Hour/Happy Hour

All young adults (people in their 20s and 30s) are invited to a Holy Hour after the 5:15 PM Mass on Wednesday, April 17 in the lower church, followed by a Happy Hour in a local bar.

Faith Climate Action Week

The first annual Earth Day was on April 22,1970. Earth Day calls all to protect the earth from pollution and ruin. Faith Climate Action Week includes Earth Day and is a faith based commitment to protect the earth because it is God’s creation and our common home. It is April 19-28 and includes Earth Day.

Saint John Church has a Laudato Si Circle formed in response to Pope Francis’ historic encyclical on the environment. The theme of Faith Climate Action Week this year is “Common Ground: Cultivating Connections Between Our Faith, Our Food, and Our Climate”. 

Members of our Laudato Si Circle will be on the front steps of St. John Church on Earth Day, April 22, with pots of pansies. The pansies will be distributed to passersby during the late morning and early afternoon hours: inviting people to take pause and give thanks to the God of all creation for His gift of love expressed in creation. Those wishing to participate as volunteers can contact Carolyn at (267) 881-8794.

Padre Pio Pilgrimage

Mark your calendars! On Saturday, May 4, I will lead a pilgrimage to the Padre Pio Center in Barto, PA. I will be the celebrant for the Mass at Barto. Beginning April 14, we will have a sign up sheet for those wishing to attend and who need transportation or who can offer a ride to others.

Fr. Tom Betz

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