Third Sunday of Lent, March 3, 2024

Why do we pray, fast and give alms for Lent? The true focus of Lent is conversion and repentance. If we are distant from God, we pray to grow closer. We are called to be merciful, so we give alms to the poor and to the church. We share from our abundance with those in need. And we learn to control our desires by giving something up, fasting.

Prayer, fasting and almsgiving foster conversion. The focus is not on these three Lenten penitential actions, but on changing our lives.

During Lent we take stock of our life and identify what needs conversion or healing. I strongly recommend the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession this Lent. A good confession begins with an honest examination of conscience, with reflecting on our lives in light of the law of God. There are many internet resources for a good examination of conscience. Here is one:

Saint John Church has ample opportunities for confession and during Holy Week we will also have communal Penance Services with individual confession of sins. If you haven’t been to confession in a while, you may feel uneasy about going. Be confident that you will be received with kindness by the priest and that the priest will help you if you are unsure or if you can’t remember the format or the act of contrition. Have no misgivings about confession; just come and make a good confession before Easter.

Poor Box Receipts and Distributions

Since July 1, 2023 (the beginning of our fiscal year) we have received $11,351 donations to our Poor Box. Ordinarily we prefer to support local Catholic agencies that serve the poor, with a special commitment to Saint John’s Hospice. For various reasons, we made more than usual donations to individuals. We have made the following distributions: Catholic Charities $2,000 Saint John Hospice $2091 Boot Up Philly Christ in the City $100 Donation to diocese in India $275 Individuals $2225 (support poor family at Christmas, single Mom, homeless man with multiple needs, parishioner short of funds and others).


At this point we have $4,091 available for distribution. After our next parish council meeting we will distribute some of this money. Thank you for your support for the poor.

Free Kidney Health Screening

Our friends at the Chinese Gospel Church (222 N 12th Street), in collaboration with Penn Medicine, are offering a free kidney health screening on Saturday, March 16 from 10 AM-1 PM. It includes diagnostic tests and a one on one consultation with a doctor. There are flyers on the bulletin board in the back of the church.

Laudato Si Circle

There will be a meeting this Sunday, March 3 Following the 10:30 mass. The subject will be the Synod process that is ongoing throughout the Church and in Rome. Participants will review a reflection by Timothy Radcliffe, and look at some of the communications coming from the Vatican. We will discuss how we can “hope together and practice Synodality” beyond the Synod.

Estate of Monsignor Robert J. Grudowski

Saint John Church received a $5000 bequest from this estate. I had not heard of Grudowski so I checked his obituary published on the Archdiocese’s website. He was ordained in 1961 and he died on November 1, 2023. Early in his priesthood, he was a parochial vicar at Saint John’s and this led him to remember us in his will. I decided to use his bequest for our debt reduction. Please pray for Monsignor Grudowski who apparently loved Saint John’s because of his service here many years ago. Also, please consider remembering Saint John Church in your will.

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