First Sunday of Lent, February 18, 2024

Last year was the 800th anniversary of Saint Francis’ creation of the first Nativity scene at Greccio in 1223. In December, our Saint John’s Secular Franciscan fraternity marked the Greccio anniversary with a prayer ceremony in our lower church.

In 1224, the year after the Greccio nativity event, Saint Francis received on his body the wounds of the crucified Christ, the stigmata, while in prayer at Mount La Verna. In 2024, we have another Franciscan 800th anniversary.

Francis received the stigmata on the Feast of the Exultation of the Cross, September 14, but it is celebrated on the September 17th so it doesn’t conflict. Even though the feast day is seven months away, the nature of the stigmata provides plenty to reflect on for a whole year; moreover, since the stigmata of Saint Francis calls to mind the suffering and death of Jesus, it is appropriate to reflect on it during Lent.

Two years before his death, St. Francis was very sick and nearly blind. He went to Mount LaVerna, one of his favorite places, to pray and fast for 40 days. While praying, he had a vision of a winged seraph which was the crucified Christ. From that time on until the end of his life, the marks of the five wounds of Christ were visible on Francis’ hands, feet and side. 

In a remarkable way, Francis conformed his life to Christ. Francis did his best to follow the Gospel literally. We are called to share in the sufferings of Christ. “If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt. 16:24). We don’t expect the wounds of Christ to be made manifest in our bodies, we do hope that people who meet us will experience the love and mercy of Jesus. 

Our Lenten retreat on Sunday, February 25 will focus on walking with Jesus. We will also acknowledge and remember the stigmata of Saint Francis and pray that we, like Francis, become living icons of Christ in the world we inhabit.

Saint John Lenten Retreat

If you’re looking for something to do for Lent, attend our second annual parish retreat on Sunday February 25th following the 10:30 Mass in the parish center. The program will include viewing segments of the classic 1977 movie “Jesus of Nazareth” followed by reflections by members of our Secular Franciscan fraternity. Participants can listen in silence or offer their own thoughts. It will be an afternoon of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. A meager lunch will be offered and all donations will be given to St. John’s Hospice for the feeding of our homeless brothers and sisters.

Jack’s Yacs

After the 6 PM Sunday Mass on February 18, all young adults (people in their 20s and 30s) are invited to the parish center for dinner, beer and other beverages, followed by a talk by Gian Milles, a Catholic psychotherapist, on “how to have difficult conversations.”

Stations of the Cross

We will have Stations of the Cross after the 12:05 and 5:15 Masses on every Friday during Lent.

Second Collection for the Church in Africa

We are asked on a Sunday in Lent to conduct a second collection to assist the Catholic Church in Africa. The Church in Africa is often poor, but is also often vibrant and growing. Please be generous.

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