2023 Christmas Concert
It was beautiful, amazing. People said that it was the best ever. Thanks to Dr. Annette DiMedio and our choir. Thanks to the others who volunteered their talent and time to produce a beautiful concert. Thanks to Carolyn Murray and the volunteer bakers and decorators for the reception. I am proud to be pastor of Saint John the Evangelist Church. There is so much faithful spirit in the church.

Christmas Donation
Saint John Church welcomes everyone. Philadelphia needs Saint John’s. Yet our lovely parish barely survives on the donations we receive. Please consider making an extra generous Christmas donation to Saint John Church. Saint John’s Church is able to continue due to our generous benefactors and the donations that young couples provide for their weddings. But we also have many challenges to remain a vibrant Catholic presence in Center City. I assure you that we are careful with the donations and money we receive, that we operate without waste. I pray every day for our generous benefactors.

Christmas Novena Masses
There is still time to include your intentions in our Christmas novena of Masses. As usual, we will offer nine Masses for our novena intentions beginning on Christmas. If you would like to include your intentions in these Masses, there are novena offering envelopes in the upper and lower churches.

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