Second Sunday of Easter, April 16, 2023

Palm Sunday, the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Vigil of Easter) and Easter Sunday celebrations were truly inspirational; I’ve heard so many positive comments. I want to express my thanks to all who were involved in making those special days meaningful: ministers of Word and Sacrament, those in music ministry, servers, and ushers. The church continues to be alive through us. Easter Sunday Masses were full. What an encouraging example of individuals celebrating their faith.

Via Crucis,
The live presentation of the Passion of Christ on Good Friday was truly inspiring. Those who attended were inspired by the presentation, the voices of alumni and faculty of the University of Arts and, of course, the musical talents of our music director, Dr. Annette Di Medio.

Easter Duty.
I have been asked by several people about Easter Duty: is it still required and what is it?

Because of the central importance of Easter to the Christian faith, the Catholic Church requires all Catholics who have made their First Communion to receive the Eucharist sometime during the Easter Season, which lasts through Pentecost. They should also go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation if they have committed an serious (mortal) sins, before receiving Holy Communion. This reception of the Eucharist is a visible sign of our faith. Of course, we should receive Communion as frequently as possible; this Easter Duty is simply the minimum requirement set by the Church. (Adapted from the Catechism of the Catholic Church).

Black Catholic Congress
The Black Catholic Congress will be held July 20-23, 203 at the Gaylord National in National harbor, Maryland (near Washington). If any Saint John parishioners are interested in attending, please contact Father Tom. We hope that some of our church members will attend this Congress and bring back ideas to enrich our church life. Check out the Congress web site:


Saint John Sanctuary Guild
Enroll yourself or a loved one, living or deceased, in our Sanctuary Guild. Those enrolled are remembered in a weekly Mass at Saint John’s and the $40 offering is used to support the upkeep of the church, the purchase of linens, flowers and other items needed for our beautiful church.

Parish Debt Reduction collection
This weekend will be the monthly second collection for Saint John Church parish debt reduction. Please be generous.

Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


Father Tom

Details of today article is available here on our bulletin.