Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 26, 2023

In the bulletin for the weekend of March 11-12, I wrote that Saint John Church was in deficit spending in the current fiscal year and I asked everyone to consider increasing Sunday donations. I was astonished that the Sunday collection doubled from our usual amount on the weekend of March 18-19. And several people sent donations by mail. I am grateful and encouraged. Please continue to be generous to Saint John Church.

As we enter into the last two weeks of Lent, the Liturgy changes focus. The themes of the first four weeks of Lent are God’s mercy and repentance on our part. We are reminded of our Christian obligation to feed and help the poor and to forgive those who have harmed us. Ask yourself if you have experienced these Lenten themes in your prayer and in the Liturgy.

But there is now a shift in emphasis. We begin to meditate on the suffering and death of Jesus, on the conflicts that led to his arrest and death. The Church invites us to sympathize with our suffering Lord. In the sufferings of Jesus, we see the horror of human sin and are invited to repent. We also see the boundless love of Jesus who entered into our human reality and suffered for us sinners.

On the third Sunday of Lent in our second reading from Saint Paul to the Romans we heard the amazing proclamation that “Jesus died for the ungodly”. Jesus died not for good people, but for those who are so warped as to be ungodly. There is ungodliness in all of us. No one is righteous without God’s forgiveness and no one is without hope of God’s forgiving and saving forgiveness.

The sufferings of Jesus are God’s most profound assurance that mercy is limitless.

New Sanctuary Chairs
The new sanctuary chairs are a donation from a parishioner. The chairs were once in a now closed church and then in our parishioner’s home. Now they are at Saint John’s. The chairs look like they were made for our church, so much do they fit in with our sanctuary décor. Thanks to our donor!

Jack’s Yacs
The next event is on Thursday, March 30, 6:00 PM: Holy Hour/Happy Hour, an hour of prayer in the lower church before the Blessed Sacrament followed by a social in a local pub. All young adults are encouraged to spend time in prayer with our young adult community.

Black Catholic Congress
The Black Catholic Congress will be held July 20-23, 203 at the Gaylord National in National Harbor, Maryland (near Washington). If any Saint John parishioners are interested in attending, please contact Father Tom. We hope that some of our church members will attend this Congress and bring back ideas to enrich our church life. Check out the Congress web site:

Saint John Sanctuary Guild
Enroll yourself or a loved one, living or deceased, in our Sanctuary Guild. Those enrolled are remembered in a weekly Mass at Saint John’s and the $40 offering is used to support the upkeep of the church, the purchase of linens, flowers and other items needed for our beautiful church.

Holy Land Pilgrimage
Father Tom is leading a pilgrimage from October 26-October 5, 2023 to the Holy Land, Israel. For information or to register, see the Saint John Parish web site.

Collection for the US Military Archdiocese
The second collection this weekend, March 25-26 will be for the Military Archdiocese which provides Catholic ministry to the men and women of the US military. Please be generous.

Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


Father Tom

Details of today article is available here on our bulletin.