Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 2, 2022

This Tuesday, October 4, we celebrate the feast of Saint Francis, a major feast for us Capuchins. Saint Francis lived in the 13th century. He was a rich young man who became disillusioned with what money can buy. He chose to take the Gospel literally. He is sometimes called the “Poverello”, the little poor man, because he renounced all money and comfort to live a radical poverty that very few others have truly imitated.
I am completely in awe of Saint Francis and his uncompromised love for Jesus. Francis loved everyone, judged no one and was a model of inclusion and respect. At a time when Christians were going to the Middle East to wage war on Muslims, Francis went to the Middle East to dialogue with the Muslim Sultan. Saint Francis is such a perfect mirror of Jesus and a difficult model to follow because of his uncompromised Christian discipleship.
We Capuchins belong to the Order that Saint Francis founded. But Francis wanted all Christians to have a way to follow his program for radical Gospel living. Here at Saint John’s we are blessed to have a vibrant Secular Franciscan Fraternity, lay people who promise to follow Jesus after the pattern of Saint Francis. Capuchin friars and Secular Franciscans are equally and fully Franciscan.
Please join us for Mass on Tuesday, October 4 and attend our Transitus service the night before, October 3.

Transitus of Saint Francis — As has been the custom at Saint John's for many years, we Capuchins and the Secular Franciscan Order will mark in prayer the death of Saint Francis, his "transitus" to eternal life, on October 3 at 6 PM. Please mark your calendars and join us in prayer in the upper church.

RCIA — The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is typically for those individuals who want to learn about the Catholic faith and who are considering asking for the sacraments of initiation or full communion with the Catholic Church. Our RCIA program will be offered by Zoom every Monday evening at 7 PM and will begin on October 17. Since we are offering this program by Zoom, all are welcome, not just those who may enter the Catholic Church, but anyone who wishes to learn more about the Catholic faith. The teachers will be: Father Tom, Father JohnMcCloskey and John Paul Spiro. If you are interested in receiving the Zoom invitation, email Father Tom below:

Email Fr. Tom


    Jack’s Yacs — For many years Saint John’s had one of the most successful young adult ministries in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. However, since the 2020 Covid shut down, our young adult ministry has disappeared. There will be young adult volunteers available after all Masses on October 1-2, greeting young adults and asking for contact information. We hope to invite as many young adults as possible to help us to form a new ministry. Reactivating young adult ministry is one of my highest priorities for Saint John’s. We urge all young adults to give us your contact information and to consider joining us for community and prayer.

    Laudato Si, “Be praised”, are the opening words of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment and Saint Francis’ Canticle of the Creatures. Saint John’s is forming a “Laudate Si Circle” a group which will commit to ecological conversion and deepening their relationship with all of creation. Today following the10:30 Mass the first meeting of the "Laudato Si' Circle" will be held in the Parish Center. All are welcome! "Laudato Si' Circles are international and are formed in response to Pope Francis' call to care for creation. The Circle will gather monthly for prayer, reflection and action and is part of the EcoPhilly network of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. All are invited to come and help us move forward under the inspiration of Pope Francis. Hereafter, the Laudato Si Circle will meet after the 10:30 AM Mass on the first Sunday of each month.

    Family of Bethany — The Family of Bethany is a group of volunteers who meet once each month on Saturday to clean the Church. If you are interested in helping to keep our sacred space clean, please contact me at the Parish Office or by email.

    Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


    Father Tom