Second Sunday of Lent, March 16, 2025

Brother James Gavin, who served at Saint John’s for many years and who is now deceased, did not like the way that Americans celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. Brother James was born and raised in Ireland. He was appalled that Americans mark Saint Patrick’s Day as a time for drinking and getting drunk. He did not like the caricature of Irish people that was behind the celebration and, even more, he did not like the way people celebrated the missionary who brought the faith to Ireland.

Outside of my office, I have a porcelain statue of Saint Patrick given to me by Brother James. The statue is a reminder of two great saints, Patrick and James (who was a saintly friar!).

Saint Patrick was born in the late fourth century in what is now Britain. His family was part of the last presence of the Roman Empire in Britain. The Empire was crumbling. According to Patrick’s autobiography, The Confession, he was captured at age 16 by Irish pirates and sold as a slave in Ireland. He served as an animal herder for six years. Alone in the wilderness every summer, he fell in love with God and came to believe that God wanted him to escape. After a harrowing escape from Ireland, he entered a monastery where he was happy until he received a revelation from God telling him to return to Ireland to convert his former slave owners. This was not his desire, but he did it because it was God’s call.

Patrick was ordained a bishop and traveled throughout Ireland. His preaching was persuasive and the Irish people embraced the Catholic faith.

Through the centuries the Irish people suffered oppression, but did not abandon the Catholic faith. In fact, Irish priests, sisters and religious brothers were among the best missionaries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Irish immigrants were a major factor in establishing the Catholic faith in the United States. The Irish have been a remarkable people and their Catholicity has been outstanding.

However, secularism is sweeping Ireland. There are still faithful Catholics in Ireland, but many Irish are drifting away from Catholic practice, just like people in our country.

Saint Patrick and many others through tremendous sacrifices built the Catholic Church of Ireland and took that faith to the ends of the earth. It is now time for another generation to sustain the faith and to pass it on again.

Here at Saint John’s, we are working hard to repair and save our church. Our church is a center of prayer and love in the midst of our busy city. Our ancestors in the faith sacrificed to build and sustain our church for more than 190 years. Now it is our time to do our part to preserve and pass on our faith by keeping our presence vibrant in Center City.

Saint Patrick pray for us!

Capital Campaign

Our capital campaign is ongoing. We ask everyone to make a sacrificial donation to do essential repairs to our electrical system, upper church air conditioning and deteriorating patio which houses our mechanical systems. Saint John’s can’t function without these systems. Please see our website for more information: Capital Campaign.

So far we have received $116,361 in donations and an additional $31,000 in pledges. We have nearly $150,000 total. About one third of our donations come from Holy Redeemer Chinese Catholic Church parishioners. Holy Redeemer parishioners are being extraordinarily generous to their mother church. Our capital campaign is doing well, but we still need everyone to participate with a sacrificial offering. 

Stations of the Cross

We will have Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent after the 12:05 and 5:15 Masses.

Lenten Retreat Afternoon

Plan on joining our parish family for an afternoon of prayer and charity on Sunday, March 16th following the 10:30 Mass. This, our 3rd Annual Retreat, will focus on listening to “the cry of the Poor”. We will listen to testimonials from representatives of Project Home and learn better ways that we might serve both the bodies and souls of those suffering from loneliness. We will have a light lunch and an opportunity to contribute to St. John’s Hospice. This event is sponsored by our Secular Franciscan Fraternity.

Jack’s Yacs Saint Patrick’s Day Party

Young adults (people in their 20s and 30s) are invited to the parish center after the 6 PM Mass on March 16 for a simple dinner, drinks, fellowship and maybe some Catholic trivia.

Saint Agnes High School Choir to perform at Saint John’s

Saint Agnes high school students from Houston, Texas will visit Philadelphia and will offer a concert at several venues including Saint John Church. The performance will be on Thursday, April 27 at 1:30 PM. The choir consists of 70 students who will sing sacred and secular music with a specialty in classic Renaissance songs. If you are free on April 27, come to welcome our guests and to support these Catholic high school students.

Fr. Tom Betz

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