First Sunday of Lent, March 9, 2025

People sometimes say to me, “have a good Lent”. I reply, in jest, “No, I hope that you have a miserable Lent”. After all, Lent is supposed to be grim, isn’t it?

As a young child, we gave up something for Lent, often candy, and we went to church more, particularly Friday nights when our parish offered the Stations of the Cross after Mass. I was told by my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles how, in their day, Lent had really been tough, with fasting (no eating between meals except on Sundays) for the entire 40 days.

And then in my teen years, I began to hear priests and Sisters say that Lent was not about giving up, but about changing to be a better person, which often meant that we did nothing special for Lent.

So what is Lent all about?

Perhaps those who spoke in my teen years were the most right, that Lent is about being a better person, about turning from sin. It is about conversion of heart.

But my childhood teachers were also right. We do need to do works of penance to foster conversion. Yes, the goal is conversion of life, but we don’t get there simply by wishing.

The Church (based on the Bible) insists on three things that foster conversion: prayer, fasting, almsgiving.

Prayer: Every Lenten plan should include prayer. We used to see an uptick in daily Mass attendance during Lent and I hope that we will see it again this year. Read the Bible, pray the rosary, attend the Stations of the Cross. Attend Mass more than on Sundays.

Fasting: This is the “giving up” part. Most of us eat too much and we eat the wrong things so this is a time to make a sacrifice of food. I believe that fasting from computers, cell phones and IPads at times would be an excellent way to fast. Fasting is about regaining control over your life, your diet and your time.

Almsgiving: It is particularly important that we learn generosity this Lent, that we sacrifice some of our money and time. Make a donation that is sacrificial. Hear the cries of the poor and lonely people who are around us. Make a difference for good. Give blood. Visit someone who is ill or alone. And give away some of your money. We support Operation Rice Bowl which supports Catholic Relief Services.

With cuts in USAID funding, Catholic Relief Services needs our support more than ever. Or if you want to do something closer to home, support the Catholic Charities collection.

Lent should be sacrificial, but it is also a joy as we slow down and focus on the One who always loves us.

Capital Campaign

Our capital campaign is ongoing. We ask everyone to make a sacrificial donation to do essential repairs to our electrical system, upper church air conditioning and deteriorating patio which houses our mechanical systems. Saint John’s can’t function without these systems. Please see our website for more information: Capital Campaign.

So far we have received $73,491 in donations and an additional $19,000 in pledges. We have more than $100,000 in gifts and pledges and we have achieved a quarter of our need.

Second Collection for the Church of Latin America

This weekend, March 7-8, there will be a second collection to support the Catholic Church of Latin America. Please be generous.

Stations of the Cross

We will have Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent after the 12:05 and 5:15 Masses.

Lenten Retreat Afternoon

Plan on joining our parish family for an afternoon of prayer and charity on Sunday, March 16th following the 10:30 Mass. This, our 3rd Annual Retreat, will focus on listening to "the cry of the poor". We will listen to testimonials from representatives of Project Home and learn better ways that we might serve both the bodies and souls of those suffering from loneliness. We will have a light lunch and an opportunity to contribute to St. John's Hospice. This event is sponsored by our Secular Franciscan Fraternity.

Jack’s Yacs Saint Patrick’s Day Party

Young adults (people in their 20s and 30s) are invited to the parish center after the 6 PM Mass on March 16 for a simple dinner, drinks, fellowship and maybe some Catholic trivia.

Fr. Tom Betz

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