Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 23, 2025
This Saturday, February 22, we had our annual Firefighters’ Mass to pray for all firefighters and especially those who gave their lives protecting the lives and property of others.
Fire is a fierce and sometimes cruel force. We were horrified at the ferocious fires that recently destroyed homes and took lives in California. Fire can be unstoppable as it devours every bit of fuel, including homes, forests, businesses and even churches.
On the night of February 16, 1899, Saint John’s was burned but not destroyed as a fire raged through the neighborhood of 13th and Market Streets. Four firefighters died protecting Saint John’s and the neighborhood. I want the names of these four firefighters to be remembered:
William J. Chance, 32, a widower, was survived by his 9 year old son. He was a one year veteran of the Department.
Hugh Duffy, 44, was survived by his wife and four children. He was a 22 year veteran of the Department.
George W. Steinle, 38, was survived by his wife and daughter. He was a 12 year veteran of the Department.
James J. Shea, 41, was a 12 year veteran of the Department
As many of you know, on that night the lovely statue of Mary was not destroyed and in gratitude, Saint John’s parishioners had a magnificent crown of gold made for our statue. That crown was stolen on January 11 of this year. Even though a burglar desecrated our church and took from it the work of our ancestors’ love and faith, no criminal can erase the heroism of the firefighters who saved Saint John’s or the love that made the crown.
The Firefighters’ Mass is a major commitment of our parish. I was recently at a banquet and sat next to a man who asked me where I served. I told him that I was pastor of Saint John the Evangelist Church. He replied, “ah, that’s the firefighters’ church!”. I am happy if we are known in that way.
Capital Campaign
Our capital campaign is ongoing. We ask everyone to make a sacrificial donation to do essential repairs to our electrical system, upper church air conditioning and deteriorating patio which houses our mechanical systems. Saint John’s can’t function without these systems. Please spread the word that Saint John Church needs help. Please see our website for more information: Capital Campaign