Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 16, 2025

Since announcing the capital campaign, I have been uneasy. We have prepared materials to explain the need and I know that there are many people who love Saint John’s. So why uneasy?

Because we need a lot of money.

What happens if we fail?

It is not easy to keep beautiful old churches open. Saint John’s is an important presence in Market East, a once vibrant, but now declining Center City neighborhood. Macy’s is closing; the Fashion District is failing; there are closed storefronts everywhere.

But in the midst of this struggling neighborhood, Saint John’s is still here and lots of great ministry happens at and out of Saint John’s.

But, what happens if we fail?

If we fail, I don’t know for sure. Probably Saint John’s would close. I don’t think that there will be a rescue from the Archdiocese. I am confident that we won’t fail, but bad things do happen sometimes.

I am encouraged by the initial response. Donations are coming and I felt great support from the people who have heard about our need. I think we will be fine ,but I don’t want to take anything for granted.

Here are some mistakes that we can make:

  1. We can approach this like a business. We are not a commercial business. We are about God’s business. We preach the gospel, visit the sick, forgive sins, encourage the faith of young Catholics. Saint John’s is a place of prayer and faith. So we will rely on God. The most important component of our capital campaign is prayer. Saint John’s is a place of prayer. People come here to pray. We need to pray for success.
  2. However, there are people who believe that God will not allow a good church to fail, to close. But I have seen Catholic churches and schools close, even though they were good ministries and even when people did pray. We need to pray, but we also have to work hard, to be generous, to invite others to be generous. We need to pray and to give.
  3. We can believe naively that “someone” or the Archdiocese will support and save Saint John’s if we don’t. There’s no mystery benefactor out there. Either we support Saint John’s or Saint John’s fails. It is up to us.

Please love Saint John’s and love what we do for many people. Pray for this parish and be as generous as you can. Pray and give. Trust in God.

Cabrini Movie

The 2023 movie, Cabrini, tells the story of an amazing Italian Catholic woman who founded a missionary Order of Catholic Sisters. Her Sisters worked for and defended poor Italian immigrants in the United States. Her path to holiness was hard work for God’s poor and despised.

We will show the movie Cabrini at Saint John’s on Sunday, February 16 at 2 PM in the parish center. Join us for a movie, refreshments and a story of faith and love.

Click here for details.

Firefighters' Mass

Please mark your calendars for the annual Firefighters' Mass. In February 1899, a major fire broke out on Market Street. The fire burned Saint John the Evangelist Church. Four firefighters died fighting that blaze. Each year, Saint John Church holds a Mass to remember and pray for the four firefighters who gave their lives defending the lives and property of others. We also pray for all firefighters who have lost their lives, and we pray for the safety of all firefighters.

The Mass will be at 10 AM on February 22. The Firefighters' Mass is a major commitment of our parish, so I urge everyone to attend and support it. There will be a small reception in the Parish Center following the mass and all are invited to attend.

Fr. Tom Betz

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