Presentation of the Lord, February 2, 2025
Saint John’s is a beautiful Church, old and often needing repairs, but overall well maintained. However, we now face a serious crisis, a predicament that threatens Saint John’s survival!
Behind the church and friary, there is a courtyard. The courtyard is a small square concrete cover for the major mechanical systems for the church and friary which are under the courtyard. The courtyard is deteriorating and must be repaired or replaced. Some of these systems are old, very old, and need to be replaced soon. Here’s a summary of our capital need:
- The courtyard is deteriorating.
- The electrical equipment is from the 1960s and could fail at any time.
- The air conditioning system for the upper church is old and past its predicted useful life
The price of this project will be determined in a competitive bidding process. Rough estimates are that the air conditioning will cost $500,0000; the electrical system $140,000- 230,000 and the courtyard repairs $400,000. The total cost of the project may be from $975,000 to $1.2 Million. At this moment, we have cash and “soft” pledges to cover a bit more than half of the cost of this project. We still need to raise at least $400,000.
But we can raise the money we need! Saint John’s loyal parishioners and friends love our Church and our ministry. We will come together, and we will save our Church.
We ask all our parishioners and friends to make a sacrificial gift to assure the existence of Saint John’s for the next quarter century and beyond. We don’t anticipate any similar needs for many years to come.
Now is the time to begin our capital campaign to raise money. After all Masses on the weekends of February 8-9 and 15-16, (with the exception of 6 PM February 9—Super Bowl Sunday!) all will be invited to the parish center for coffee, donuts and a presentation on this project.

Firefighters' Mass
Please mark your calendars for the annual Firefighters' Mass. In February 1899, a major fire broke out on Market Street. The fire burned Saint John the Evangelist Church. Four firefighters died fighting that blaze. Each year, Saint John Church holds a Mass to remember and pray for the four firefighters who gave their lives defending the lives and property of others. We also pray for all firefighters who have lost their lives, and we pray for the safety of all firefighters.
The Mass will be at 10 AM on February 22. The Firefighters' Mass is a major commitment of our parish, so I urge everyone to attend and support it. There will be a small reception in the Parish Center following the mass and all are invited to attend.

Second Collection for Aged and Ill priests of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
This weekend, February 1-2, there will be a second collection to support the aged and ill priests of the Archdiocese. Please be generous and assist those priests who have spent their lives serving our church.

Feast of Saint Blaise
After all Masses on Monday, we will have the traditional blessing of throats.

Saint John’s Poor Box Report
Thank you for your donations to our Poor Box. All Poor Box donations help needy individuals and local Catholic agencies that help the poor. Since July 1, 2024 we have received donations of $9,785. We gave $3,136 to individuals to pay heating bills, rent, food. We donated $4,222 to Saint John’s Hospice and $500 to Christ in the City. Christ in the City supports young Catholic missionaries who help the poor in the neighborhood surrounding our church.