Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 6, 2024

The 2019 Pew Research Center survey on Catholic belief in the Eucharist rocked the US Catholic Church and spawned the “Eucharistic Revival” program of the past couple of years. In that study, 69% of US Catholics said that they believe that during the Mass the bread and wine become “symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ”. Only 31% chose the correct Catholic teaching on the Eucharist, that “during Catholic Mass, the bread and wine actually become the body and blood of Jesus”. Further questions revealed that those Catholics who did not accept the Catholic teaching on the Eucharist also did not know the Church’s actual teaching that the Eucharist is the true body and blood of Jesus. In other words, the respondents were not dissenting from Church teaching; they did not know what the Church teaches. Not surprisingly, Catholics who attended Mass regularly tended to believe the Church’s teaching in contrast to those Catholics who attended Mass infrequently.

A 2023 study by the Center for Applied Research on the Apostolate (CARA), using different questions, found that 64% of respondents gave answers consistent with a Catholic faith in the Real Presence. Even so, a significant number of Catholics in this somewhat more hopeful survey still don’t have a Catholic faith in the Eucharist.

Like the Pew study, the CARA study found that those Catholics who attend Mass are more likely to believe in the actual Catholic teaching on the Eucharist. Likewise, those who attended Catholic schools or who were recently brought in to the church through RCIA as well as those who are involved in liturgical ministries (lectors, servers, etc.) are very likely to hold a correct Catholic belief regarding the Eucharist.

While the CARA study is more hopeful, we still need to teach the truth about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Moreover, even Catholics who believe in the true Real Presence of Jesus often don’t appreciate this marvelous reality. All of us at times are not mindful and too casual about the unimaginable privilege of actually receiving Jesus Christ—body, blood, soul and divinity—into ourselves.

Please join us for the Eucharistic procession through the streets of Center City on Sunday, October 20.

Eucharistic Procession

We will hold our second annual Eucharistic procession from Holy Redeemer Church to Saint John’s on Sunday, October 20. There will be ONE Mass at Holy Redeemer at 11:15 followed by a procession through the streets of Center City, ending at Saint John’s for closing devotions after the 12:30 Mass.

There will be a reception in the Saint John’s parish center following the program. This is an opportunity to witness publicly to our faith the Jesus Christ is truly present in the Holy Eucharist.

Father John McCloskey, 25 years a priest

Father John has served the church Father John has served the church as a priest for more than 25 years. Please join in celebrating his jubilee next Sunday, October 13. There will be a reception in the parish center after the 10:30 and 12:30 Masses. Father John will be the presider at the 10:30 Mass which will a Mass of Thanksgiving for the gift of Father John’s priestly ministry.

All are invited to attend!

Second Collection, Debt Reduction

We paid $50,000 in fiscal year 2023-24 and we hope to pay a similar amount or more in the current fiscal year. It may seem discouraging to pay now for repairs and services from years ago, but in justice we need to take care of our past obligations. Our debt is still large, but over time, we will bring it to zero. Not soon, but over time. Our second collection the weekend of October 5-6 will be to allow us to make a payment on our debt. Please be generous.

Young Adults Holy Hour/Happy Hour

Young adults are invited to a Holy Hour on Wednesday, October 9 in the lower church following the 5:15 Mass. After a time of prayer, we will go to a local pub for drinks and fellowship

Saint Francis Blessing of Animals

Saint Francis is known for his love of animals and for his praise of God who created all living beings. On Saturday October 9, at 2 PM, Father Keon will have a blessing of pets at Casa Farnese, 1300 Lombard Street. If you missed the pet blessing at Saint John’s, you can still bring your beloved pet to Casa Farnese.

Saint Francis Prayer Vigil for Peace

The parish community of Saint Francis De Sales, 4625 Springfield Ave, welcomes everyone to a prayer vigil for peace on October 4, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, from 7-8:30 PM.

Boot Up Philadelphia

As we have done for the past few years, all donations to Saint John’s Poor Box during the months of September and October will be sent to Saint John’s Hospice to support their annual campaign to purchase warm shoes, boots and socks for homeless persons in our neighborhood. Please make a generous contribution to our Poor Box.

Pilgrimage to France

Father Tom is organizing a pilgrimage to Catholic Shrines of France for 2025. At this time, registration is open to parishioners and friends of Holy Redeemer and Saint John Churches. For information or to register, please check out this link There is a limit of 40 people for registration.

Holy Redeemer School Open House

Please encourage families with school age children to consider Holy Redeemer School. Our school is ranked academically among the very best in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, based on the student’s performance on standardized tests. There will be an open house at the school on Thursday, October 10 from 9:30-11 AM.

Fr. Tom Betz

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