Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 29, 2024

The 2023-24 summary financial report (with a comparison to the previous fiscal year) is enclosed in today’s bulletin. Please review it carefully. Here are some observations:

  1. First, I am grateful to you and to God that we collected more money that we spent. We were able to pay $50,000 on our debt, though our debt is not nearly paid off. Thank you for supporting Saint John Church and please continue to be generous.
  2. Poor box receipts and expenditures are not included in the report. I gave you a complete report on poor box donations in a recent bulletin.
  3. Sunday collections are up a little. Weekday collections and candles, included under “other collections” were up more dramatically. This demonstrates the flourishing of our weekday ministry.
  4. Over the past two years we have had a never ending need for small to medium maintenance projects, but they were less in the 2023-24 fiscal year, compared to the year before. We can’t control whether there is a need for maintenance, but we must and will respond when something breaks. We will not let our church and friary fall into disrepair.
  5. Our personnel costs went down slightly. I think they will go up in the current fiscal year. We have to pay to keep our church open all day every day, to have excellent music on Sunday, to have an open office that responds to the needs of our parishioners and visitors.
  6. Weddings are an important part of our support. And weddings are a lot of work for our clergy and lay staff and volunteers.
  7. And we have a $1,000,000 necessary capital project in the near future. We have to repair the crumbling patio behind the church and the electrical and AC systems that are under the patio. I will ask for your help soon.

God bless you for your generous support. If you are able, please increase your weekly giving. Saint John’s accomplishes a lot with limited resources. Please continue to help to keep Saint John the Evangelist Church open and thriving, a ministry of prayer and love in Center City Philadelphia.

Saint John’s Young Adult Outreach

Next Sunday, September 29, after the 6 PM Mass, all young adults (people in their 20s and 30s) are invited to a barbeque in the friary patio being the church.

Saint John’s Book Reading Circle

Father Tom is leading a monthly discussion class on the writings of Saint Leo the Great. All are welcome. The class began this week, but there is still time to join. If you would like to join the class, please email Father Tom as soon as possible below.

Feast of Saint Francis

October 4 is the feast of Saint Francis. On Thursday, October 3 at 6 PM, the Capuchin friars and the Secular Franciscans will mark the death of Saint Francis with a Transitus service at 6 PM in the upper church. On October 4, the feast itself, the 12:05 Mass will be a festive Mass with music. Please join our local Franciscans to celebrate the feast of our great founder. 

Saint Francis Blessing of Animals

Saint Francis is known for his love of animals and for his praise of God who created all living beings. On Saturday October 5, at 10 AM, we will have a blessing of pets on the sidewalk in front of our church. Please bring your pets to church. We will thank God for the gift of animals and pray that all people will respect the dignity of our fellow earthly creatures.

Saint Francis Prayer Vigil for Peace

The parish community of Saint Francis De Sales, 4625 Springfield Ave, welcomes everyone to a prayer vigil for peace on October 4, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, from 7-8:30 PM.

Boot Up Philadelphia

As we have done for the past few years, all donations to Saint John’s Poor Box during the months of September and October will be sent to Saint John’s Hospice to support their annual campaign to purchase warm shoes, boots and socks for homeless persons in our neighborhood. Please make a generous contribution to our Poor Box.

Catholic Charities Appeal

The Catholic Charities Appeal is the most important annual collection for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia each year. It supports the charitable work of the Catholic Church among homeless and poor people, with persons with disabilities, immigrants and other people in need. It is important that our Catholic Church have the resources to assist people in need. The Archdiocese is halfway through its annual appeal and it has raised $6.1 million of the $10 million goal. We had a second collection in the Spring for this important cause and we will have another collection this weekend, September 28-29.

Fr. Tom Betz

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From the Pastor' Desk

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