Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 1, 2024

The mission of Saint John’s has never changed, of course, but it has shifted through the years. From my reading of history, Saint John’s was a neighborhood church when it was founded in 1830. As demographics shifted and Center City became the employment and shopping hub of Philadelphia, Saint John’s became known as the weekday workers’ and shoppers’ church, with multiple daily Masses, confessions and devotions. At one point there were more than 15 Masses on Holy Days of obligation. Ash Wednesday has always been emblematic of this part of Saint John’s ministry. Even today thousands of people come for ashes to begin Lent.

Saint John’s is still a neighborhood parish and it still serves Philadelphia’s workers and shoppers, though the pandemic and other social and economic changes have caused many workers to work from home and shoppers to shop online.

When the Convention Center was built in the early 1990s along with thousands of new hotel rooms, Saint John’s began to serve more tourists and visitors. Tourists and visitors were always part of Saint John’s reality, but this aspect of our congregation has expanded. I estimate that one third to one half, closer to one half, of our Sunday congregation today are tourists and visitors.

Because of the hospitals and universities nearby, families of patients come to pray at Saint John’s and many students, particularly medical students, and resident doctors and young professionals living in Center City worship at Saint John’s. I estimate that more than 25% of our Sunday congregation are young adults (people in their 20s and 30s). Saint John’s has an active outreach to young adults.

When I became pastor of Saint John’s I was surprised at the number of weddings. There are 81 weddings scheduled for 2024 and already 40 scheduled for 2025. Couples often bring their own priest, but Father John and I also officiate at many weddings. Weddings and wedding preparation consume a lot of my time. I am blessed that Carol Connor, an amazing volunteer, spends about 20 hours each week coordinating wedding paperwork. Saint John’s is a beautiful church in Center City with a world class music ministry. Center City venues are popular for wedding receptions and Saint John’s is an attractive wedding church for families who want a Catholic wedding.

Saint John’s Sunday and weekday collections are not sufficient support for our church. Weddings keep Saint John’s open. However, our wedding ministry is not only or even primarily about money. During the past two years, I have worked with nearly 180 couples and I have had in depth conversations and appointments with many of them. By and large, couples and their families have a marvelous experience at a Saint John’s wedding. Part of this is from the incredible hospitality and assistance given by Patrick Moses, our onsite wedding staff person.

Weddings are an important ministry of Saint John’s. We are building Catholic families for the future of the Catholic Church. Because of our work with these couples, there will be many children raised as Catholics and many families whose bonds to the Catholic Church are strengthened.

Saint John’s is a neighborhood parish, a downtown workers and shoppers refuge, a place for families of hospital patients to pray, a young adult friendly church, a dynamic wedding ministry. Saint Paul said that he became “all things to all people so that some might be saved”. Saint John’s is likewise all things for all people, offering widely the love of Christ.

Boot Up Philadelphia

As we have done for the past few years, all donations to Saint John’s Poor Box during the months of September and October will be sent to Saint John’s Hospice to support their annual campaign to purchase warm shoes, boots and socks for homeless persons in our neighborhood. Please make a generous contribution to our Poor Box.


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults will begin in September and will end at Easter. These weekly Zoom classes are for people who are considering being baptized or received into the Catholic Church. It is also for Catholics who have not been confirmed and for people who want to deepen their understanding of the Catholic Church’s teachings. All are welcome. Classes are held on Monday nights and will begin on September 23. Recordings are available each week for those who cannot watch on Mondays. If you would like to receive Zoom invitations to the classes, please email Father Tom below.

2025 Mass Book

The 2025 Mass book is now open. There are still Masses available in 2024. If you would like to schedule a Mass for your loved one or your intentions, please visit our parish office.

Holy Redeemer School

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced this week that Holy Redeemer School is again a “School of Distinguished Instruction”, that is, a school with superior academic achievement based on standardized testing. However, the announcement also noted also that Holy Redeemer School is academically one of the top three schools among the 105 elementary Catholic schools of the Archdiocese. Holy Redeemer School offers an excellent education. Please encourage families with school age children to consider Holy Redeemer School for their children’s education.

Holy Redeemer Children’s Religious Instruction

Holy Redeemer Church Sunday School for children 2024-2025 will start on September 15, 2024. Holy Redeemer also offers a special program for children with special needs and other learning disabilities. Please contact Fr Tom (below) for more information.

Fr. Tom Betz

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From the Pastor' Desk

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