Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 18, 2024

While at prayer in the crumbling chapel of San Damiano, Saint Francis of Assisi heard the voice of Jesus tell him to rebuild the church which was falling into ruin. He took the message literally and began to repair neglected and run down churches. When he began to attract followers, he came to understand that God was asking him to repair the Catholic Church, which was falling into ruin through scandal, worldliness and vanity.

During the sixteenth century, the one Franciscan Order that Francis founded broke into three distinct but related Orders. The reform branch became known as Capuchins and this is the Order that staffs Saint John the Evangelist Church.

There are more than 10,000 Capuchins in more than 100 countries. Every six years, the Order holds a General Chapter in Rome to elect new superiors and to set the course for the Order. I attended the General Chapter in 2018 because I was at that time the provincial minister, the major superior for Capuchins in the Province of Saint Augustine, living and serving in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and Papua New Guinea.

To my surprise I was elected as a delegate to the 2024 General Chapter and I will be in Rome from August 21 to September 16. About 170 friars will be present to represent the entire Order throughout the world.

I am honored and thrilled to attend the General Chapter. I will be with Capuchins from across the world and I will have another opportunity to experience the Catholic Church which is universal, present across the world, and the Capuchin Order which continues to rebuild the church after the manner of Saint Francis of Assisi.

During our General Chapter, it is customary for the Pope to address the gathered friars. Pope Francis chose his name precisely because it is his assessment that the Catholic Church today needs most of all the spirit and example of humility and service that Francis of Assisi displayed.

I will write my bulletin column from Rome and I hope to share with you my experience at the General Chapter. I will also respond to emails and phone calls from Rome so I will continue to take care of Saint John’s from Rome. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire our deliberations and that the Capuchin Franciscan Order will continue to serve God’s people in integrity and humility.

Young Adult Social

This Sunday, August 18, after the 6 PM Mass, there will be a pizza dinner and a talk by Sister Cecilia Nanni Costa for young adults (people in their 20s and 30s). All young adults are welcome. We will meet in the parish center adjacent to the church.

Second Collection for Saint John’s Debt Reduction

Please be generous to the second collection this weekend and help Saint John Church to pay down our $590,000 debt.

To make online donations, please click this link.

Saint John’s AA group

Every Saturday morning an Alcoholics Anonymous group meets in Saint John’s parish center. This week the group celebrated its 50th anniversary of continuous meeting and its 30th year of meeting at Saint John’s. 50 years of helping people to remain sober is an amazing achievement. I am proud that Saint John’s has been supportive for 30 years.

Saint John’s also hosts a weekly Narcotics Anonymous meeting and a weekly Adult Children of Alcoholics meeting.

Father Keon Tu, OFM Cap

Father Keon is assigned to study canon law at the Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. He will be in DC one day each week and attend other classes online. He will reside at Saint John’s and will join our parish staff to the extent that his classes allow. Father Keon will have substantial time for Saint John’s parish work (including Thomas Jefferson Hospital).

Father Keon is a native of China, but he has lived in the United States for many years. He is a member of our Pittsburgh based Capuchin Province. Welcome Father Keon!

Fr. Tom Betz

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