Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 23, 2024

capital project

Several times in this bulletin I have informed you of a critical capital project that must be done for the survival of Saint John Church.

Overall, we have maintained our churches (upper and lower) well. We have responded quickly to important maintenance needs like plumbing or roof issues, both in our upper and lower churches. The churches are beautiful, and we spend thousands of dollars each year on repairing ceilings, plumbing, sidewalks and electrical problems. The friary is shabby, but it is functional and we Capuchins have a vow of poverty, so the house is fine. Thanks for your ongoing support that allows us to keep our churches beautiful and the friary functional. Ongoing maintenance will always be necessary.

However, the courtyard behind the church and friary is deteriorating. While it is not in danger of collapsing, it must be replaced or repaired. Our mechanical systems—heat, air conditioning, water and electricity -- are under the courtyard. Some years ago, Saint John’s stopped using a boiler and we buy our heat from the steam company. Our water comes from the City and we have a hot water heater and a pump to move the water throughout our buildings. Heat and water systems are fine. However, our upper church air conditioner and our electrical transformer are way past their expected useful lives.

So our capital project has three features:

  • the deteriorating courtyard floor
  • the electrical
  • air conditioning systems.

I am fortunate to have dedicated experts advise me on these issues, and our parish council has been involved also as we have explored options.

Last week, the Archdiocese registered our project as a capital project. Our next step is to hire an architect to prepare a description and drawing of the project so that it can be given to contractors for bids. We expect the project to cost about one million dollars. Our parish council members are participating in the technical analysis of the project. They are also now discussing how best to ask for the money we need for this project.

So this will require that we ask you for money, for a generous donation to keep Saint John’s open and vibrant for another quarter century. I don’t foresee another capital project of this magnitude during my lifetime. I will ask you to prayerfully search your heart, and then to make a sacrificial donation to help to keep Saint John’s as a center of prayer and love in the heart of Center City. I am not asking yet, but soon I will need to ask.

Saint John’s Summer Picnic

Please mark your calendars. Our annual summer picnic will be on Sunday, July 7 from 11 AM to 2:30 PM. The theme will be “the 1950s: Happy Days”. It will be in the parish center. Saint John’s will provide beverages and the main courses (meat cooked on the grill). We invite you to bring side dishes and desserts.

Secular Franciscans and Christ in the City

Christ in the City is a young adult Catholic missionary outreach to homeless people. Our local Christ in the City missionaries befriend homeless people who often lack friends and family support. Christ in the City missionaries serve a hot lunch every Wednesday and our Secular Franciscan “chefs” have committed to cook entrees every 4th Wednesday. Christ in the City missionaries also need socks and water bottles. If you are able to help please contact Carolyn at (267) 881-8794.

Christ in the City Website

Fr. Tom Betz

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