Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 9, 2024

Recently (published May 20, 2024) the “Catholic Preaching Institute” at Saint Charles Seminary conducted a survey of the attitudes of Philadelphia Catholics on the preaching that they hear in their parishes. Here are some results:

  • 5970 people participated from 204 parishes (I wonder if anyone from Saint John the Evangelist parish participated)
  • Of the participants, 72% were older than 55 with 18% older than 75. About 16% were under 45 years’ old
  • Nearly 80% said that homilies are organized and well prepared
  • About 86% said that homilies are simple, clear and understandable and slightly fewer said that preachers project conviction and enthusiasm
  • However, more than 40% said that homilies speak to heads and not heart and soul. Similarly, about 40% said that homilies do not foster conversion. Again, about the same number said that homilies are not “relevant” in today’s world
  • Most interesting (and disappointing), 43% said that the homily’s message does not “remain with me” after Mass

The conclusion is clear Most Philadelphia Archdiocese Catholics credit their priests with preparing well-crafted and organized homilies. However, nearly half of all Catholics say that homilies do not touch their hearts and do not have a lasting impact on them after Mass.

Catholics want their priests to work on giving them a message that is intellectually insightful, BUT they also want the homily to be relevant to their lives and to touch their hearts. They want to hear a message that makes them think after Mass has ended.

A significant percentage of Catholics say that the homilies they hear are intellectually interesting, but not relevant to their everyday lives. They want to go from Word to life, not from Word to mind.

Catholics find their homilies “understandable” but not always relevant or impactful.

This survey is an encouragement for priests to continue to work on preparing good homilies. But it is also a cry from the people to preach to the hearts and real lives of the people. I feel challenged to be more cognizant of how my homilies relate to real life. I hope that all priests will read the results of this survey.

If you would like to read the entire survey, please go to: https://www.scs.edu/preaching/

Land of Peace

On the weekend of June 15-16, representatives from the Land of Peace mission will visit Saint John’s to offer for sale olive wood religious items made by Christian families in the Holy Land. Many Palestinians are Christians, though the dreadful situation in the Holy Land is causing many to leave. Because of the war in Israel and Palestine, there are almost no pilgrims or tourists and the people are desperate for income. Purchasing olive wood hand crafted items from the Holy Land is a way of supporting our suffering brothers and sisters.

Check out all the images from last year (2023) visit.

Jack’s Yacs Service Project

On June 13, our young adults are invited to prepare and serve a meal for the people of Frankford, mostly single mothers with children, at the Capuchin Padre Pio Prayer Center. We need volunteers to prepare food and to spend time with the people coming for food. We will leave Saint John’s at 4:30 PM. Or participants can meet in Frankford at 5:15 PM. Contact Father Tom for information.

Email Fr. Tom

    Saint John’s Summer Picnic

    Please mark your calendars. Our annual summer picnic will be on Sunday, July 7 from 11 AM to 2:30 PM. The theme will be “the 1950s: Happy Days”. It will be in the parish center.

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    From the Pastor' Desk

    Email Fr. Tom