Collection for aged and ill priests of the Archdiocese
Next weekend, February 3-4, our second collection will be for the aged and ill priests of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Ash Wednesday, February 14
Ash Wednesday is the busiest day of the year at Saint John’s. On Ash Wednesday, we minister to thousands of people who come to Saint John’s to begin Lent. We need volunteers: to distribute ashes, to greet people, to organize the activities. If you can volunteer, please contact Nadine or Father Tom.

Mark your calendars for the Annual Mass for Firefighters
On February 16, 1899, Saint John Church burned. Four firefighters lost their lives fighting that fire. We remember those four men and all firefighters who lost their lives defending the lives and property of others and we pray for the safety of all firefighters. Please join us for our annual Mass for Firefighters on Saturday February 17 at 10 AM. If you are able to volunteer by providing food, please contact Father Tom.

Catholic Spirituality Book Club
We will re-establish the monthly Book Club. We will read a Catholic classic or modern book each “semester” and meet monthly to discuss it. Father Tom will lead the discussion and the meetings will be the last Thursday of each month at 12 noon in the parish center. If you are interested in participating, please email Father Tom to receive invitations and the name of the book that we will read.

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