Bible Study: Gospel of Mark
Bible Study: Gospel of Mark: Saint John the Evangelist Parishioner, Paul Danove (B.S., M.Div., S.T.L, Ph.D.), is Professor Emeritus of New Testament Studies at Villanova University. He will offer an in depth study of the Gospel of Mark by Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 PM from December 6 - March 27.

Second Collection for retired and ill Religious priests, Brothers and Sisters
The annual collection to assist these men and women who have given much to the church will be this weekend, December 2-3.

Laudato Si Circle
All are welcome to the Laudato Si Circle meeting in the Parish Center on December 3, following the 10:30 Mass. The topic will be the plan to build a Liquefied Natural Gas plant in Chester PA, which is already the home to 1 of the country’s biggest trash burning incinerator on the east Coast.

Saint John’s Golden Eagles: Advent Social and Prayerful Refection
Saint John’s Golden Eagles, our new senior citizen outreach will sponsor coffee and donuts after the 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday, December 10. All are welcome. At 11:15, Father Roger will lead for our senior members (those 60 years of age and older) a one-hour meditation/discussion on aging and our spiritual life. The question for the discussion is: Where are we spiritually as we age?

Saint John Christmas Concert
Our annual Christmas concert, featuring our own choir and Sunday musicians and cantors, will be at 2 PM on Sunday, December 10. Enter into the spirit of Christmas with your Saint John family. Refreshments will be served after the event.

December 17: Celebrate the 800th Anniversary of Saint Francis First Christmas Crèche in Greccio
According to Franciscan tradition, on Christmas Eve 1223, Saint Francis created the first living Nativity scene. In honor of the 800th anniversary of this event, the Secular Franciscan Fraternity will offer a mediation on the event in the lower church after the 10:30 AM Mass on Sunday, December 17. The meditation will be about a half hour.

Meeting with Councilman Mark Squilla regarding proposed 76ers arena
All are invited to a meeting with Councilman Squilla on December 17 at 2 PM at the Mother Bethel AME Church at 419 S 6th Street to talk dialogue about the proposal to place a basketball arena on Market Street at the border of Chinatown.

Nursing Home Caroling and Christmas gifts
For many years on Christmas Eve, Holy Redeemer children have gone with me to the nursing home/rehab facility at 16th & Lombard Streets. The facility is now called ProMedica. This year our own Saint John’s confirmation class will also help distribute wrapped gifts & sing carols. We will expand our visits; children will visit 2 nursing homes in the days before Christmas. Simple gifts are appreciated: word puzzle books, adult coloring books, decks of cards, stuffed animals, 2023 calendars with pictures, socks, warm scarfs or lap blankets.
Please consider buying a few gifts, wrapping them and mark them M, F or E (male, female or either).
Please do not give food or candy. Gifts will be collected in boxes in the upper and lower churches.

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