Bible Study: Gospel of Mark
Saint John the Evangelist Parishioner, Paul Danove (B.S., M.Div., S.T.L, Ph.D.), is Professor Emeritus of New Testament Studies at Villanova University. He has published seven books and more than three dozen publications on the Gospel of Mark and the Greek grammar of the New Testament. He will offer an in depth study of the Gospel of Mark by Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 PM from December 3-March 27. The class will be recorded and available for viewing in the week following the class. If you wish to receive Zoom invitations to the class and the recordings, please email Father Tom

Saint John Christmas Concert
Our annual Christmas concert, featuring our own choir and Sunday musicians and cantors, will be at 2 PM on Sunday, December 10. Enter into the spirit of Christmas with your Saint John family.

Beef and Beer Fundraiser
A few parishioners would like to revive an old tradition of an annual beef and beer fundraiser. But we need a committee to work on it. If you’d like to help, please email Fr. Tom:

800th Anniversary of Saint Francis First Christmas Crèche in Greccio
According to Franciscan tradition, on Christmas Eve 1223, Saint Francis created the first living Nativity scene. Actors played the parts of Mary, Joseph and the shepherds. Live cows and sheep made the scene realistic. And according to medieval legend, the actual infant Christ appeared. In honor of the 800th anniversary of this event, Pope Francis grants a plenary indulgence to anyone who visits a Franciscan Church (like Saint John’s) in December 2023 and January 2024 and prays before the Christmas nativity display. To receive the plenary indulgence one must also go to confession, receive communion and pray for the intentions of Pope Francis.

Nursing Home Caroling and Christmas gifts
For many years on Christmas Eve, Holy Redeemer children have gone to the nursing home/rehab facility at 16th and Lombard Streets. The name of the facility has changed over the years and it is now called ProMedica. This year we will visit two nursing homes (ProMedica and Echeclon in Voorhees, NJ) and we will include the children in Saint John's confirmation class. The children will sing Christmas carols and give each resident a wrapped Christmas gift. Simple gifts are appreciated: word puzzle books, adult coloring books, decks of cards, stuffed animals, 2024 calendars with pictures, socks, warm scarfs or lap blankets.
Please consider buying a few gifts, wrapping them and mark them M, F or E (male, female or either).
Please do not give food or candy. Gifts will be collected in boxes in the upper and lower churches.

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