Second collection for Debt Reduction
Our monthly collection for Saint John Church debt reduction is this weekend, October 28-29. Please be generous. Jack’s Yacs, our young adult outreach, will have a Holy Hour in the lower church after the 5:15 Mass on Wednesday, November 1, the Feast of All Saints. It is also the vigil of the Feast of All Saints. After our Holy Hour, we will head to a local bar for some drinks and fellowship.
Holy Hour/Happy Hour
Jack’s Yacs, our young adult outreach, will have a Holy Hour in the lower church after the 5:15 Mass on Wednesday, November 1, the Feast of All Saints. It is also the vigil of the Feast of All Saints. After our Holy Hour, we will head to a local bar for some drinks and fellowship.
Beef and Beer Fundraiser
A few parishioners would like to revive an old tradition of an annual beef and beer fundraiser. But we need a committee to work on it. If you’d like to help, please email Fr. Tom:
Saint John Golden Eagles
We have at Saint John’s an active young adult outreach. We want also to have a dynamic outreach to our senior church members and friends, those 60 years of age and older. On Sunday, October 29 after the 10:30 Mass we will hold a meeting and social for seniors. Refreshments will be available and we look for ideas about how we can better serve our seniors. The name “Saint John’s Golden Eagles” has been suggested since the eagle is the symbol of Saint John the Evangelist, the writer of the fourth gospel.
Mass in Honor of Saint Martin de Porres, November 5
The annual Mass in honor of Saint Martin de Porres will begin with a choir prelude at 2:30 PM followed by Mass at 3 PM at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. This event is sponsored by the Office for Black Catholics.
November, the ‘month of the dead”
November begins with the Feast of All Saints, in which we are assured that ordinary people--mothers and fathers, bankers and plumbers, students and teachers--are all called to live with Christ forever in heaven. Saints are not just canonized well known people, but ordinary people like you and me. On November 2, we have the Feast of All Souls which assures us that imperfect people, sinners, are still called to salvation through an after death purification in purgatory.
Here at Saint John’s we offer two ways to remember and pray for our beloved dead in November. Beginning on the Feast of all Souls, we will offer a novena of Masses (nine days) for those whose names are submitted. And during the month of November, you can place names of your deceased love ones on a cross which will be displayed in our cemetery. Remember your deceased relatives and friends at Saint John’s during November. Special envelopes for both the Novena and the Memorial Crosses are available in the back of the Church.