Mission Sunday, October 21-22
The annual Mission Sunday collection is an important collection for the universal church. Every mission diocese in the world receives a basic subsidy from this collection. The mission subsidy is the basic support for the Catholic Church in poor countries and it is essential to the church’s flourishing. The word “catholic” means universal and our Catholic Church is universal.
The collection will be this weekend, October 21-22 and I urge you to make an extra generous donation. I have seen firsthand in many places the good works supported by the Mission Sunday collection.
Beef and Beer Fundraiser
A few parishioners would like to revive an old tradition of an annual beef and beer fundraiser. But we need a committee to work on it. If you’d like to help, please email Fr. Tom:
Boot Up Philly
Saint John’s Hospice is holding its annual Boot Up Philly campaign with the goal of purchasing winter boots, underwear, socks coats and other cold-weather items to assist more than 1000 homeless men and women across Philadelphia. From September 15 to the end of October, all donations to our church Poor Box will be sent to Saint John’s Hospice for the Boot Up Philly campaign.
Religious training for children
Our sister church community, Holy Redeemer Chinese Catholic Church offers weekly religious education for children including a special needs Sunday School for children with disabilities or other special needs.
Saint John Golden Eagles
We have at Saint John’s an active young adult outreach. We want also to have a dynamic outreach to our senior church members and friends, those 60 years of age and older. On Sunday, October 29 we will hold a meeting and social for seniors. Refreshments will be available and we look for ideas about how we can better serve our seniors. The name “Saint John’s Golden Eagles” has been suggested since the eagle is the symbol of Saint John the Evangelist, the writer of the fourth gospel.
Mass in Honor of Saint Martin de Porres, November 5
The annual Mass in honor of Saint Martin de Porres will begin with a choir prelude at 2:30 PM followed by Mass at 3 PM at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. This event is sponsored by the Office for Black Catholics.