Jack’s Yacs
All young adults (20s and 30s) are invited to the parish center for a film on the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis on Saturday, October 7, after the 5:15 vigil Mass. Pizza and beer will be served.
Mission Sunday, October 21-22
The annual Mission Sunday collection is one of the most important for the universal church. Every mission diocese in the world receives a basic subsidy from this collection. The mission subsidy is the basic support for the Catholic Church in poor countries and it is essential to the church’s flourishing. The word “catholic” means universal and our Catholic Church is universal. The Archdiocese has arranged for Father Dermot Roache, a priest of the Society of African Missions, to speak at all Masses on the weekend of October 14- 15 on behalf of the Mission Sunday collection. The collection will be on the following weekend, October 21-22 and I urge you to make an extra generous donation.
Beef and Beer Fundraiser
A few parishioners would like to revive an old tradition of an annual beef and beer fundraiser. But we need a committee to work on it. If you’d like to help, please email Fr. Tom:
Synod on Synodality
The Synod on Synodality began this past week, on the feast of Saint Francis, October 4 and will continue until October 28. The Synodal movement started in 2022 and has already taken place on the diocesan, national, and continental stages. The Synod is distinctive both for the wide multiyear consultation of Catholics throughout the world and for the number of Synod participants who are not bishops or priests.
There is a lot of misunderstanding about what will come out of the Synod. Many fear that the Synod is going to effect changes in the Church that could shake the very foundations of the Church. Others fear that after all of this work, nothing will happen and it will have been a great failure. I don’t have any of those fears. I am putting my trust in the Lord who said again and again “Do not be afraid.” The preparatory document of the Synod states: “At the root of this process is the acceptance, both personal and communal, of something that is both a gift and a challenge: to be a Church of sisters and brothers in Christ who listen to one another and who, in so doing, are gradually transformed by the Spirit.” Pope Francis, himself, has said that the Synod is “not a parliament for demanding rights and claiming needs in accordance with the agenda of the world, nor an occasion for following wherever the wind is blowing, but the opportunity to be docile to the breath of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is in control of the Church. Let’s pray that the Synod will bring about a new enthusiasm for the Church’s work of evangelization and charity.
Boot Up Philly
Saint John’s Hospice is holding its annual Boot Up Philly campaign with the goal of purchasing winter boots, underwear, socks coats and other cold-weather items to assist more than 1000 homeless men and women across Philadelphia. From September 15 to the end of October, all donations to our church Poor Box will be sent to Saint John’s Hospice for the Boot Up Philly campaign.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
We will begin our weekly zoom classes on Monday, October 8 at 7 PM. These classes are for adults who are considering joining the Catholic Church through baptism or confirmation (for those who are already baptized). However, those who wish to update and expand their knowledge of the faith are also invited. If you wish to receive email invitations to our RCIA classes, please email Fr. Tom
Eucharistic Procession
The Catholic Church in the USA is in the midst of a “Year of Eucharistic Revival”. Our bishops ask us Catholics to learn about and celebrate the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. We are planning a Eucharistic procession from Holy Redeemer Church to Saint John Church on Sunday, October 15. There will be 11:15 AM Mass at Holy Redeemer followed by a procession through the streets of Center City to Saint John’s where we will conclude with prayer and Benediction. Please mark your calendars!