Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 1, 2023

The feast of Saint Francis of Assisi is October 4. Francis was born in the late 1100s to a rich merchant family in Assisi, Italy. He was a likable and lively young man, given over to grandiose dreams. He wanted to be a famous knight, a warrior for justice who would be the subject of troubadours songs throughout Europe.

He did eventually go to war but lasted only a day in battle before he was captured and taken prisoner. After a year in a harsh medieval dungeon, he was finally ransomed and released. He nearly died of a fever and when he recovered he was no longer the carefree, dreamy young man he had been. He was confused and depressed. He began to beg God for guidance.

Two events changed his life. One day he met a leper. He was repulsed by lepers and afraid of contracting their dreaded disease. Suddenly in a flash of insight, he knew that the leper was Christ. He understood that what we do to the lowliest people, we do to Christ. From this moment, he loved the poor, the sick and the outcasts because in them, he met Jesus.



The second event occurred while he was praying in the broken and abandoned chapel of San Damiano. In the silence, he heard Jesus speak from the crucifix, “Francis, rebuild my church, for it is falling into ruin”. At first, he thought that he was called to repair broken church buildings. Later, he understood that God wanted him to initiate a movement of renewal and reform for the Catholic Church.

The Capuchin friars who live and serve at Saint John’s are followers of Saint Francis. Join with us in celebrating our founder.

Fr. Tom, OFM Cap. Pastor

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