Feast of Padre Pio
This Saturday, September 23, is the feast of Saint Padre Pio, the Capuchin priest who had the stigmata, the wounds of Christ. We will honor Padre Pio by offering Padre Pio’s prayer after communion and making the relic of Padre Pio available for veneration after all Masses on Friday, September 22 and Saturday, September 23. We will also offer Padre Pio’s prayer and make the relics available for veneration on Sunday, September 24.
Season of Creation, 2023
“Let Justice and Peace Flow” is the theme chosen for the Season of Creation 2023. The Season of Creation is an ecumenical celebration held each year from September 1, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to October 4th, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
On Sunday, September 24 after the 10:30 Mass in the Parish Center, Saint John’s Laudato Si Circle will offer a presentation and discussion on Eco Spirituality. Sister Julia Keegan OSF, Spiritual Director at the Franciscan Spiritual Center in Aston PA, will lead the program. Sister Julia is a Laudato Si Animator who lectures throughout the country.
Boot Up Philly
Saint John’s Hospice is holding its annual Boot Up Philly campaign with the goal of purchasing winter boots, underwear, socks coats and other cold-weather items to assist more than 1000 homeless men and women across Philadelphia. From September 15 to the end of October, all donations to our church Poor Box will be sent to Saint John’s Hospice for the Boot Up Philly campaign.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
We will begin our weekly zoom classes on Monday, October 8 at 7 PM. These classes are for adults who are considering joining the Catholic Church through baptism or confirmation (for those who are already baptized). However, those who wish to update and expand their knowledge of the faith are also invited. If you wish to receive email invitations to our RCIA classes, email Fr. Tom:
Second Collection for Saint John’s Debt Reduction
Saint John’s still have a $700,000 debt. Please help us to pay this debt by a generous offering in the second collection next weekend, September 23-24.
Eucharistic Procession
The Catholic Church in the USA is in the midst of a “Year of Eucharistic Revival”. Our bishops ask us Catholics to learn about and celebrate the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. We are planning a Eucharistic procession from Holy Redeemer Church to Saint John Church on Sunday, October 15. There will be 11:15 AM Mass at Holy Redeemer followed by a procession through the streets of Center City to Saint John’s where we will conclude with prayer and Benediction. Please mark your calendars!
Second Collection for Saint John’s Debt Reduction
Saint John’s still have a $700,000 debt. Please help us to pay this debt by a generous offering in the second collection next weekend, September 23-24.