The Nativity of the Lord, December 25, 2022

There are disturbing signs in the world—war in Ukraine, the ongoing threat of terrorism, inflation and a likely recession, homelessness and substance addictions and the never ending tragedy of abortion. In our own personal lives, we also struggle against sin and selfishness and perhaps sometimes we give up hope that we can find inner peace and real holiness. Yet we know Jesus to be the Prince of Peace! Jesus has changed human history more than any other person. Even today, his command to love causes people to make sacrifices for others. Despite many wars, hurtful actions and sins, Jesus is still our best hope for a decent life. The Church proclaims this Christmas: embrace Jesus Christ and build your life on his teachings!
Pray for peace and live as Jesus lived. Live a life of love and forgiveness. If we who believe in Jesus really live as he did, it is the best hope for the survival of the human race.
Celebrate Christmas, not as a secular holiday, but as the birthday of the Son of God who never gives up on us.

End of the year donation: Please consider making an extra generous end of the year donation to Saint John Church. Saint John’s Church is financially sound due to our generous benefactors and the donations that young couples provide for their weddings. But we also have many challenges to assure that we remain a vibrant Catholic presence in Center City. I assure you that we are careful with the donations and money we receive, that we operate without waste. I pray every day for our generous benefactors.

Young Adult Outreach, Sunday, January 8: Join us for the Feast of the Epiphany Mass at 6 PM, followed by dinner and drinks in the parish center.

Ukrainian Refugee Family: Two weeks ago we had an announcement at our Sunday Masses of the urgent need for assistance for a Ukrainian family coming to Philadelphia under the auspices of Catholic Charities.I am proud to tell you that a number of Holy Redeemer and Saint John’s parishioners stepped up and have offered many forms of assistance, including commitments to accompany the family when they arrive. However, the family will need some basic items to begin their lives in our city.
Here is a list of what is needed and an online sign up sheet:

Donations of needed items can be delivered to the parish office. Please do what you can to help!

Pilgrimage to Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, PA: On Saturday, January 7, the parishioners of Holy Redeemer will have apilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown. It is about 45 minutes from Center City. Saint John’s parishioners are welcome. We will arrive at 10:30 and have Mass at 11:15 followed by lunch. Each person should bring his/her own food. Then we will have time for prayer and Father Tom will speak about the Shrine and the devotion to the Blessed Mother at Czestochowa, Poland.

If you are interested in going please email Father Tom. You can drive yourself or take the regional rail and be met by our parishioners at the train station. During this pilgrimage we will commemorate the Christmas season and the feast of the Epiphany which is celebrated the weekend of January 7-8. Consider spending time in prayer during the Christmas season.

Email Fr. Tom
Pilgrimage to Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa

    Catholic Charities Collection: We were informed by the Archdiocese that we met our 2022 goal. We were able to meet this goal through your generous donations to the collection and to our Poor Box. Catholic Charities supports agencies that help the poor, disabled children, families in crisis and much more. Thank you for your support.

    Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


    Father Tom