Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 18, 2022

Where did 2022 go and how did it pass so quickly? And Advent rushed by also. Next week is Christmas. And the week before Christmas is such a busy one. Take time this week for prayer. You may tell yourself that you have no time this week. But we can always make time for what we value. Get ready for Christmas not just by buying gifts and attending holiday parties. Prepare by praying and going to confession.

End of the year donation: Please consider making an extra generous end of the year donation to Saint John Church. Saint John’s Church is financially sound due to our generous benefactors and the donations that young couples provide for their weddings. But we also have many challenges to assure that we remain a vibrant Catholic presence in Center City. I assure you that we are careful with the donations and money we receive, that we operate without waste. I pray every day for our generous benefactors.

Young Adult Outreach, Sunday, January 8: Join us for the Feast of the Epiphany Mass at 6 PM, followed by dinner and drinks in the parish center.

Christmas Gifts for ProMedica patients: For many years on Christmas Eve, Holy Redeemer children have gone to the nursing home/rehab facility at 16th and Lombard Streets. The name of the facility has changed over the years and it is now called ProMedica. The children will sing Christmas carols and give each resident a wrapped Christmas gift. Simple gifts are appreciated: word puzzle books, adult coloring books, decks of cards, stuffed animals, 2023 calendars with pictures, socks, warm scarfs or lap blankets. Please consider buying a few gifts, wrapping them and mark them M, F or E (male, female or either). Please do not give food or candy. Gifts will be collected in boxes in the upper and lower churches.

Advent Penance Services: In addition to our usual Wednesday to Saturday schedule of confessions, Saint John Church will offer two communal penance services with individual confession of sins and absolution. Mark your calendars for December 19 and 20, 12:30 PM. Plan to make a good confession before Christmas.

Christmas flower donations: There are envelopes in the upper and lower churches for Christmas flower donations. Every Christmas Saint John’s is beautifully decorated with flowers and trees. The cost of flowers has increased over last year. Please help us to have a beautiful church this Christmas!

Christmas Novena Masses: As usual, we will offer nine Masses for our novena intentions beginning on Christmas. If you would like to include your intentions in these Masses, there are novena offering envelopes in the upper and lower churches. Novena Mass cards are available in the parish office.

Second Collection for Saint John Debt Reduction: Saint John’s owes the Archdiocese about $800,000 for work done some years ago to the church towers and for other bills what we were not able to pay. Over the past few years, we have been making significant payments on our debt. Our parish council has agreed that we should have a monthly second collection to pay down our debt. We will have significant needs in the future and paying off our debt is essential for us to move forward with other necessary projects. Please be generous next weekend, December 17-18.

Pilgrimage to Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, PA: On Saturday, January 7, the parishioners of Holy Redeemer will have apilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown. It is about 45 minutes from Center City. Saint John’s parishioners are welcome. We will arrive at 10:30 and have Mass at 11:15 followed by lunch. Each person should bring his/her own food. Then we will have time for prayer and Father Tom will speak about the Shrine and the devotion to the Blessed Mother at Czestochowa, Poland.

If you are interested in going please email Father Tom. You can drive yourself or take the regional rail and be met by our parishioners at the train station. During this pilgrimage we will commemorate the Christmas season and the feast of the Epiphany which is celebrated the weekend of January 7-8. Consider spending time in prayer during the Christmas season.

Email Fr. Tom
Pilgrimage to Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa

    Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


    Father Tom