First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2022

Today we begin Advent, the season of preparation for Christmas. Advent is about hope that God never abandons us and that things will get better.

The Old Testament tells of God’s patience with his sinful people and of his perennial promises to bring healing, forgiveness and salvation. There were very dark moments in Israel’s history, particularly the destruction of the temple and the exile of the people to Babylon in 587 BC. Yet even in seemingly hopeless times, God promises salvation and rescue.

Advent teaches us that our sins will never make God give up on us, that mercy is always available. In the birth of Jesus, God gives his solemn word that evil will not win and that God keeps his promise of salvation and peace.

Many Catholics “do something” for Lent — give up candy or entertainment, read the Bible, donate to the poor or to the church, attend daily Mass, etc. Why not “do something” for Advent? The same things that you do for Lent, you can do for Advent. Get ready for Christmas by having a prayerful and generous Advent.

Young Adult Outreach. Our Jack’s Yacs group is planning several events focused on Advent and Christmas:

  • Wednesday, November 30, 6:30 PM: Prayer and reflection on “Come, Lord Jesus, Come: Themes of the Advent liturgy”. The program will be in the lower church, followed by a social in the parish center. Father John McCloskey, OFM Cap will be the speaker.
  • Wednesday, December 14, 6:30 PM: Prayer and Reflection: Topic and details to follow Sunday, January 8: Join us for the Feast of the Epiphany Mas at 6 PM, followed by dinner and drinks in the parish center.

Christmas Gifts for ProMedica patients: For many years on Christmas Eve, Holy Redeemer children have gone to the nursing home/rehab facility at 16th and Lombard Streets. The name of the facility has changed over the years and it is now called ProMedica. The children will sing Christmas carols and give each resident a wrapped Christmas gift. Simple gifts are appreciated: word puzzle books, adult coloring books, decks of cards, stuffed animals, 2023 calendars with pictures, socks, warm scarfs or lap blankets. Please consider buying a few gifts, wrapping them and mark them M, F or E (male, female or either). Please do not give food or candy. Gifts will be collected in boxes in the upper and lower churches

Advent Meditation, December 4, after the 10:30 AM Mass: Brother Alex Hostoffer, OFM Cap, will offer a meditation on “Marian Devotion: A Look at Mary through the Franciscan Lens”. This is an excellent Advent way to honor and think about the Blessed Mother.

Christmas Concert, December 11, 2 PM: The annual Saint John’s Christmas concert will be in the upper church and will feature our own Saint John’s Choir and students of the University of the Arts. A free will offering will be collected. Please join us for refreshments following the concert.

Saint John’s Staff and Volunteers Christmas Party: On Thursday, December 15, we will have our staff and volunteers Christmas party from 12 noon — 2 pm in the parish center. All volunteers are invited: Eucharistic ministers, servers and lectors, cleaners, money counters, receptionists, music ministers and choir, office helpers, hospitality and events planners. If I have forgotten a category of volunteers, let me know and come to the party. Please RSVP by calling 215-563-4145 or e-mail:

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Saint John’s Staff and Volunteers Christmas Party

    Advent Penance Services: In addition to our usual Wednesday to Saturday schedule of confessions, Saint John Church will offer two communal penance services with individual confession of sins and absolution. Mark your calendars for December 19 and 20, 12:30 PM. Plan to make a good confession before Christmas.

    Poor Box Donation: The Parish Council approved an $8000 donation from our Poor Box to support the work of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Philadelphia.

    Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


    Father Tom