Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, November 13, 2022

This weekend I will be installed as pastor at the 10:30 Mass. Bishop Timothy Senior will represent Archbishop Perez. I have been at Saint John’s since September 1, already acting as pastor, but this ceremony makes it formal. I have been a priest for 31 years, but this is the first time that I am officially a pastor. Every priest is a pastor since every priest is a shepherd and every priest is called to lead the People of God to holiness.

But the pastor of a parish is the one responsible for the parish and it is the pastor’s ultimate responsibility to assure that the parish is a center of charity, holiness and community. Please pray for me. I intend to work as hard as I can to be a good pastor. I am happy to be the pastor of Saint John and Holy Redeemer churches. I love Center City and Chinatown and I feel blessed to be here.

I pray every day for you, for the people of Saint John and Holy Redeemer communities. I consider it my duty to pray for you and I promise not only my work, but my love and prayers. Again, pray for me!

Young Adult Outreach. Our first Jack’s Yacs event, held last Sunday after the 6 PM Mass was a great success. More than 30 young adults attended our after Mass gathering. Please mark your calendars for November 16, 6:30 pm, when we will have “Adoration and Libation”, an hour of adoration and prayer in the lower church, followed by socializing in a local pub.

Saint Charles Seminary Collection: The annual appeal for Saint Charles Seminary is one of the most important collections for the Philadelphia Archdiocese. The appeal assists seminarians studying for the priesthood and those preparing to be permanent deacons as well as lay people preparing for church ministry. The collection will be on the weekend of November 19-20. Please plan on making a generous donation.

Sick and Shut in Members of the Parish: For the most part, visiting of our sick and disabled parishioners stopped during the Covid pandemic shut down. At this point, only a few disabled parishioners are visited by friars or Eucharistic ministers. If you know of Saint John parishioners who are unable to attend Mass because of disability, please inform the parish office. Our elderly and disabled parishioners must be treasured members of our church family.

Christmas Gifts for ProMedica patients: For many years on Christmas Eve, Holy Redeemer children have gone to the nursing home/rehab facility at 16th and Lombard Streets. The name of the facility has changed over the years and it is now called ProMedica. The children will sing Christmas carols and give each resident a wrapped Christmas gift. Simple gifts are appreciated: word puzzle books, adult coloring books, decks of cards, stuffed animals, 2023 calendars with pictures, socks, warm scarfs or lap blankets. Please consider buying a few gifts, wrapping them and mark them M, F or E (male, female or either). Please do not give food or candy. Gifts will be collected in boxes in the upper and lower churches.

Saint Augustine Parish: Saint Augustine Parish will offer by Zoom an Advent series of classes on the Creed. For more information go to the parish web site:

or email:

or call
(215) 627-1838.

Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


Father Tom