Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 16, 2022

In our gospel reading from Luke on Tuesday of the past week, Jesus criticized the Pharisees for being overly concerned with ritual and not concerned for the needs of others. Jesus told the Pharisees that the key to pleasing God is to “give alms”. In Luke’s Gospel, we are told that our relationship with money says much about the state of our souls.

Today and next week, you have the opportunity to give alms to help the poorest of the poor throughout the world and in our own country. We have important second collections at Saint John’s. Also, your ongoing support to keep Saint John’s alive and thriving is a good deed. Saint John’s is an important haven of peace in the midst of Center City and it is worthy of support. Continue to share your blessings with others.

Collection for victims of Hurricane IanHurricane Ian caused devastating losses for the people of Florida and other southern states. Today we will have a second collection to be sent to Catholic Charities USA so that the Catholic Charities agencies in the Dioceses affected by the hurricane will have resources to help the people who are suffering. Please be generous.

Mission Sunday — Next weekend, October 22-23, is Mission Sunday. During my time as provincial minister for my Capuchin Province, I had the privilege of visiting the Catholic Church in many places—Papua New Guinea, Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. What I saw made me proud to be a Catholic! I observed the Church alive and the Church in solidarity with the people, especially the poor. We Americans have heard much bad news about the Church, but I have witnessed good news. The Mission Sunday collection is important in that it provides basic support for the Church in mission lands. Please be extra generous.

Yarn for federal prison Father Ben Regotti, chaplain to the federal prison and resident at Saint John’s, asks that we support the prison’s women’s reentry program. This program encourages women inmates to work on socially useful projects as a way of teaching them skills and enabling them to contribute to society. The women will knit blankets and warm clothing to be donated to homeless shelters and agencies that care for needy women and children. This is an opportunity to help incarcerated women and those who will receive the knitted work of their hands. You are invited to bring yarn to Saint John’s. Perhaps you have yarn at home that has not been used. Donate it to this project! Or perhaps you can buy yarn and donate it to our sisters in need. There will be a box in the back of the upper and lower churches.

Saint John Sanctuary Guild — You may have noticed that there is a Mass each week for members of the Saint John’s Sanctuary Guild. This is a perpetual Mass offered weekly for those enrolled. We have enrollment cards in the parish office. It is possible to schedule a Mass for a living or deceased person. However, please consider enrolling someone in our Sanctuary Guild where the person will be included in a weekly Mass. The usual offering is $35 and a padded large card is available.

Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


Father Tom