Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 11, 2022

I am delighted to be pastor of Saint John the Evangelist Church. I am grateful to Father John Daya for his loving and competent care of this parish for the past twelve years. I have come to a happy, faith-filled and solid parish.

I am no stranger to Center City Philadelphia and to Saint John's. My first assignment as a priest was to Saint John's as parochial vicar from 1991-95. But after I discontinued my service as parochial vicar, I continued to live at Saint John Friary. All in all, I lived for 25 years in Philadelphia, 21 years at Saint John's and four years at our Capuchin postulancy house friary. I coordinated immigration ministry for the Archdiocese for 8 years and served as vocation director for my Capuchin Province for 13 years. During all of my 25 years in Philadelphia, regardless of my other ministries, I tended Holy Redeemer Chinese Catholic Church. I spent the last 6 years (2016-22) in Pittsburgh serving my Capuchin Province.

I have come home!

But being pastor of Saint John's is different from being a resident in the Friary with outside ministries. I still have a lot to learn.

The past few years have been difficult for just about everyone. Covid changed everything and the impact on Center City Philadelphia is especially significant. The offices closed and the employees worked from home. Many have not returned to their offices and many will not ever return to work in Center City. There has been a marked increase in the number of people suffering from drug addictions and homelessness. The numbers attending Mass at Saint John's has decreased. I urge you to invite someone who has not been to Sunday or daily Mass to return. Many people just got out of the habit of regular Mass attendance and need someone to remind them. Let's rebuild our worshiping community. You can do more than I can to reach out to people who have been absent.

What do I see as priorities? First, that Saint John's remain what it has always been--a refuge of prayer and worship in the midst of busy Center City. Please remind people that Saint John's is open for silent prayer during the work day. We will continue to serve Jefferson Hospital, Holy Redeemer in Chinatown and Center City's residents, visitors and workers. I note that our young adult ministry, Jack's Yacs, stopped functioning during the pandemic. Creating a new and vibrant young adult outreach is important. In a few weeks, we will have a campaign to identify and get contact information for the young adults who attend Sunday Mass.

Some of you may want to talk to me. I am available. Just call me. However, if you'd like to come for an informal "listening" session, I will be in the parish center on Wednesday, September 14 at 6:30 PM. Obviously I can't made decisions or commitments at that time, but I am happy to listen to anyone who would like to come with ideas or suggestions. Consider coming for a communal conversation about our parish and our needs and priorities.

Please continue to support Saint John's especially by your presence at Mass and events, but also by your donations and gifts.

Saint John Hospice Boot Up Philly Campaign
Our neighbors at Saint John Hospice and Catholic Social Services ask us to support the Boot Up Philly Campaign to purchase warm clothing for the poor of Philadelphia. Their hope is to provide warm clothes to 1000 men, women and children. Every $45 donation will provide a new pair of boots, socks, underwear and cold weather essentials to one homeless person. From now and until October 15, all donations to the Saint John's Poor Box in the upper and lower churches will be dedicated to this campaign. Please consider an extra generous donation to our Poor Box for our needy neighbors.

Historical Preservation Endowment Fund


Father Tom