March For Life 2022


TOMORROW is the 49th annual March for Life in Washington D.C.!

We have been preparing all year long, and are so excited to once again welcome hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans to our nation’s capital to march in defense of the unborn.

As we are facing yet another unprecedented year, we have provided ample access to our 2022 March for Life events, whether or not you are able to be here in person.

If you and your family are joining us from home this year, you can tune into the livestream of the 2022 March for Life using this link:

Click here to Livestream the 2022 March for Life!

The 2022 March for Life will kick off at 11am ET with a live concert from Matthew West, followed by the March for Life Rally at Noon and our annual march to the Supreme Court at 1pm. 

If you are joining us on the National Mall in D.C., we will see you there! Make sure to dress warmly and get your pro-life signs ready!

For Life,

Jeanne Mancini
President, March for Life Education and Defense Fund