Where Eagles Dare:
2018 Parish Picnic of Champions

Please join us for an afternoon of hamburgers, hotdogs, and summer fun – at the St. John’s Parish Picnic.
THEME: Go Eagles!
This event is FREE – hosted by the Hospitality Committee.
Kindly DO NOT bring “take away” containers. We will provide them as needed at the end of our picnic.
RAFFLE TICKETS for a Gift Basket will be sold.
We will also have BINGO (free of charge) for a basket of assorted grocery items.
WHEN: Saturday, September 8th, 2018
TIME: 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
WHERE: 1212 Ludlow Street (At the Parish Center)
Please RSVP by
- by dropping your filled out RSVP form in the basket at the
back of the church along with any financial donations you
wish to give, or - by emailing sjphilly.picnic@gmail.com