Capital Campaign 2025
Saint Agnes High School Choir
Saint Agnes High School Choir to perform at Saint John’s on Thursday, March 27 at 1:30 PM
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday during Lent after the 12:05 and 5:15 Masses.
Parish Registration
Regular Schedules
From the Pastor’s Desk
Almsgiving is one of the essential pious activities of Lent. Almsgiving means giving to the poor and to other good causes. Here at Saint John’s we are in the midst of a capital campaign to assure the survival of Saint […]
Brother James Gavin, who served at Saint John’s for many years and who is now deceased, did not like the way that Americans celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. Brother James was born and raised in Ireland. He was appalled that Americans […]
People sometimes say to me, “have a good Lent”. I reply, in jest, “No, I hope that you have a miserable Lent”. After all, Lent is supposed to be grim, isn’t it? As a young child, we gave up something […]
Will you help us reduce our debt, please?
In 2007, St. John’s faced a critical structural issue: the leaning, crumbling towers at the front of the church. The enormous cost required the parish to take out a loan from the Archdiocese in the amount of $1.2 million dollars.
Over the past several years, we have successfully paid over $400,000.00 toward the debt!
Please help us bring this number down to $0. Every dollar is important and counts. Please help us with this donation for whatever you are able to give.
Historical Preservation Endowment Fund
$558,552.00 (as of June 10, 2023)
Includes interest and dividends
Thanks you,
Father Tom, pastor and the Finance Committee.
Men in Formation 2024
Check out our
Men in Formation of 2024
with the Capuchin Friars.
Fr. Mike Herlihey, OFM Cap.
Vocations Director for the Province of St. Augustine